Wednesday, 14 September 2011


weet child I feel the pain that I see in your eyes.
n you songs, I can hear your impassioned cries.
othing has touched me quite like you.
ven the controversial things you do.
ll you sing and say and share.
epicts some deeply hidden fear.

h, how I wish I could help you attain.
C almness of soul and freedom from pain.
O h lonely, lovely lady, I hear your silent cry.
N ow don't get me wrong, I don't mean to pry.
N o point in that, it would lead to nowhere.
O nly your peace of mind it's for that, that I care.
R elinquish your past with it's sorrows and tears,
 embrace tomorrow without any fears.


  1. beautiful... i share the sentiments expressed so eloquently

  2. Just picking up on this one now ..lovely work.
